Arlington Drapery Cleaning
Draperies catch a lot of household dust, soil and odors. Clean Master Carpet Cleaning can clean your drapes, curtains and other fabrics such as tapestries and tablecloths. Drapes can dry cleaned while still hanging on the rod. Not all stains can be removed from drapes.
A good rule of thumb is to clean your drapes approximately every two years. Depending on your heating system, the number of smokers in the home and other factors, drapes may not show soil for two to six year. The oily atmospheric soil will gradually cause the fabric to deteriorate. Sunlight is often blamed for this. Using regular professional cleaning you can triple the life of your draperies – far less expensive than replacing them.
Not sure if your draperies need to be cleaned? Try the smell test. Place the drapery fabric near your nose and simply smell it. If it smells fresh, then they do not need to be cleaned. Otherwise give us a call.
Clean Master Carpet Cleaning can help you with your drapery cleaning needs.
Request our service today in the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) area.