Providing Tile and Flooring Services in Dallas/Fort Worth

Acrylic Wax Removal from Wood Floors

"I have worked and them forever 18+ years and there is not another company like this one. As a realtor I have him do all my listings and buyers. Mia..."
- Mia T.
Fort Worth

Acrylic Wax, Wax/Polish Removal

Your beautiful hardwood, engineered or laminate floors are your pride and joy. Unfortunately, due to housekeeping or house cleaning services or advice from big-box home improvement stores you realize one day that your floors feel sticky and have a milky haze. Trying Mop & Glo, Orange Glo, Quick Shine or similar products either yields no improvement or it takes an hour or more just to remove the wax that has been applied to a very small area of your floor. It’s an almost impossible task to remove the wax and restore your floors to their original condition.

Most of the time people will then simply have their floors refinished (sanded and stained) – especially for hand-scraped floors. It is a costly, messy process. And that is only if your floor has enough wood remaining to allow sanding.

Clean Master Carpet Cleaning can remove the wax, both chemically and mechanically, without damage to the underlying polyurethane coating on your hardwood, engineered or laminate floors.

A Note for Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) House Cleaners

Please do not use wax on hardwood, engineered or laminate floors that have a polyurethane finish. This will include nearly all newer floors. Wax is not needed. The polyurethane finish will protect the floor and will also prevent the wax from impregnating the flooring material – which is required for proper waxing and polishing. Instead the wax will float on the surface and become hazy while also attracting dirt and debris. It will become sticky over time as well.

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Specials & Coupons
Upholstery Cleaning - Standard Size Sofa and Love Seat
$195.00 + Tax
*Certain Restrictions Apply
Carpet Cleaning and Deodorizing of 3 Rooms
$119.00 + Tax
*Certain Restrictions Apply
Topical Pet Treatment
Only $40 per room
*Certain Restrictions Apply